Saturday, January 2, 2010

OK, so today I paid last year's property taxes. I told you my finances were a mess due to reckless spending.

The horrible thing is that this year's property taxes are due in a couple of weeks, and I'm not exactly sure if I have enough money in the savings to pay them. At least, I think they're due in a couple of weeks. I haven't yet gotten the bill.

I feel a little guilty because I took some "found" money and bought myself a new cell phone. I probably should have paid a bill. Again, it's a rationalizing thing. I work hard, and I rarely get money that isn't budgeted to almost the last penny. I got a small inheritance from my grandmother, and I honestly used most of that money for the taxes. We do have a savings account that goes directly from my paycheck into the bank to pay taxes, but we made an emergency trip to North Carolina last June, and spent that money. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Someone please tell me I'm not as stupid as I think I am, just a little off track?

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