Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year begins, as do my resolution to get my budget back under control. Currently, almost all of my bills are behind. This is mostly due to some unrestricted spending (read that as "I spent money how I felt like it, and never mind the bills."), and also some unexpected expenses.

It never really occurred to me that having two teenagers on our car insurance would triple the payments! I'm just saying...

So my husband and I have decided together to curb all unnecessary spending and get all of the bills at least caught up. I estimate that this will take approximately 6 months, barring any other unforseen circumstances.

I also am trying to plan a trip to see my grandson for his first birthday, and there is a chance that he and his mommy will be staying with us while daddy goes to fight for the freedoms of our country. (Please don't comment on what daddy is really fighting for, that's an issue for a different blog.)

I thought that becoming an "empty-nester" would make the budget easier, but I have found that not having children in the house has made me feel a little freer in my spending. I rationalize it as "I don't have to spend as much on food, etc." Not a good rationalization.

I still think that we should have an emergency fund, but that has been temporarily put on hold. I think that having a roof over our heads, and electricity are more important.

More thoughts later...

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