Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Direct Deposit

Yesterday at work, I discovered that my paycheck is still being deposited into my old bank account. Luckily, I haven't closed that account yet, due to just this issue. One phone call and three e-mails later, our payroll department says it is fixed. I now have to wait 2 more weeks to confirm this.

It's difficult to pay the bills (especially the ones I'd like to set up as auto-pay) without knowing which account to use. Also, we really need to get a savings account opened at the new bank. I really hate it that we have so little money put away. (Currently, we have the equivalent of ONE paycheck.) I'll be happier when it's at least one month of paychecks.

Oh, and the property taxes? They got sent back to me, because apparently, I hadn't paid them enough. So, instead of taking a partial payment and sending a bill for the balance, they sent everything back. They are now paid, but I can't wait to see what happens this time. I have to say that this has been a major pain. Love dealing with the government red-tape.

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