Thursday, March 25, 2010

Been awhile

OK, I never said I would post regularly. At least I'm posting something.

Since my last post, I've finally gotten all the bank stuff straightened out, and my paycheck is now being deposited to the correct account. Property taxes are paid....not just last year's, but this year's as well. I've also increased the amount of money going into the savings account for the taxes so that it isn't so difficult to pay them. We have also gotten the savings account started at the new bank, with a nice little 'nest' started.

We have a vacation planned for May to go see my grandson (and his mother and father), and I'm almost sure that will eat up most of our savings. C'est la vie...we will replenish it later.

I've made some minor decisions...I no longer worry about money. I'm not saying that I don't think about it at all, I just don't lose sleep over it. I'm almost certain that if something comes up and we need cash, we will find a way. We always have in the past. I have not starved to death, nor gone more than a couple of days without "essentials" like electricity or natural gas. Life is about so much more than how much you have stashed away in the bank.